
The Pearl Of The Philippines Is El Nido. Facts and useful information. How to get to El Nido

El Nido (El Nido) is not in vain called the pearl of the Philippines. In my opinion, El Nido is the most beautiful place not only in the Philippines but in the whole of Asia! El Nido Philippines El Nido is the most beautiful place I've seen in Asia! El Nido is a nature reserve consisting of the island, with beautiful bays, majestic rocks, snow-white Paradise beaches, secret lagoons, clear turquoise water and the beautiful underwater world. It was with the seen photos of El Nido in one of the reports at the forum Vinsky and began my dream of this distant country. I remember in the fall of 2008, sitting with my friend Ira in an empty office and dreamed that someday we will go to the Philippines and visit the magnificent beaches of El Nido. El Nido Philippines The beautiful beaches of El Nido Then the trip to the Philippines seemed a distant and unreal dream, the crisis of 2008 broke out (who remembers, the ruble and the hryvnia then greatly depreciated, it seems now we are...